
History: A Message to SC Club for Growth PAC Supporters


Dear Friends,

Tuesday was a historic day for pro-growth fiscal conservatives. Across our state, voters made it clear that they are tired of out of control spending, bailouts and no reform. The result? With your and SC Club for Growth PAC’s help, Club-endorsed candidates from all walks of life won critical victories. Here are some SC Club-related facts and figures from the now-complete 2010 election cycle:

– Candidates endorsed by SC Club for Growth PAC won a staggering 26 of their 30 elections.

– Our PAC raised over $350,000 that went directly to candidates. Many of those dollars were invested at critical junctures and in some cases probably made the difference between winning and losing.

– Club-endorsed reformers Nikki Haley, Curtis Loftis and Richard Eckstrom now hold a majority of seats on the powerful state Budget and Control Board. With their majority, they plan to revamp how and why our state spends your tax dollars.

– Governor-elect Haley was consistently the highest scorer on the Club’s “Legislative Scorecards” over the past few years. Her work to reform state government will continue as governor.

– New, reform-minded S.C. House members forced many “anti-reformers” into retirement and defeated even more in elections. In January, we expect the reformers to begin to tackle some of South Carolina’s most challenging problems.

And finally,

– Three newly elected U.S. House members, Tim Scott, Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney, were previously supported by the SC Club and this year received huge investments from the national Club for Growth. These reformers now represent half of South Carolina’s Congressional delegation after consistently earning “A” grades on our “Legislative Scorecards” over the past few years.

We are proud of these candidates’ hard work and want to sincerely thank them for defending taxpayers. At the bottom of this message you can find a full list of winning candidates endorsed by SC Club for Growth PAC.

In closing, THANK YOU. SC Club for Growth PAC’s efforts are funded through the contributions of hundreds of South Carolinians like you who are fed up with politicians saying one thing at home and doing another once in Columbia. As you’ve seen, our PAC chooses elections where your collective investments can make THE difference in electing strong, fiscal conservative reformers.

Today I’m proud to announce that over the past three election cycles, our members have contributed over $1 MILLION to the PAC’s endorsed candidates who won over 75% of their races.

With your help, South Carolina now begins a generation defined by fiscally conservative, reform-minded leadership. We will remain diligent in reforming our state government, but for now, thank you.

Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions. We’ll be in touch very soon with more ways you can help.

Matt Moore
Executive Director, SC Club for Growth PAC


Constitutional Officers:

Nikki Haley for Governor
Curtis Loftis for Treasurer
Richard Eckstrom for Comptroller General
Mick Zais for Superintendent of Education

U.S. Congress:

Tim Scott for CD 1
Jeff Duncan for CD 3
Mick Mulvaney for CD 5

SC House of Representatives:

Tom Corbin for House 17 (Greenville Co.)
Tommy Stringer for House 18 (Greenville Co.)
Dan Hamilton for House 20 (Greenville Co.)
Wendy Nanney for House 22 (Greenville Co.)
Eric Bikas for House 26 (Pickens and Greenville Cos.)
Garry Smith for House 27 (Greenville Co.)
Eric Bedingfield for House 28 (Greenville Co.)
Bill Chumley for House 35 (Spartanburg Co.)

Ralph Norman for House 48 (York Co.)


Thad Viers for House 68 (Horry Co.)
Kevin Ryan for House 108 (Georgetown Co.)
Andy Patrick for House 123 (Beaufort Co.)


Rick Quinn for House 69 (Lexington Co.)
Nathan Ballentine for House 71 (Richland and Lexington Cos.)