
SC Club for Growth PAC 2010 Election Guide


Dear Friend,

Tomorrow’s elections are absolutely critical. We have a chance to make our collective voices heard – voices that will tell our elected leaders to stop the outrageous spending and refocus government’s priorities in Washington and in Columbia.

Since you might be too busy to study every race, our Fall 2010 Election Guide can be found below. Many of these races are VERY close, so by sending this email to just TEN friends you could make THE difference in electing pro-growth fiscal conservatives.

While you may not agree with some or all of the recommendations, we hope you will find them helpful and forward the ones you agree with to your friends, co-workers, and family members with a personal request for them to vote on Tuesday.

As Chris Chocola, president of the national Club for Growth, said earlier today…”Club for Growth members are among the smartest and most informed voters in the nation, whether it’s a Senate race or a race for county clerk. Please remember to share that knowledge today and tomorrow with your friends, neighbors and relatives.

I know you will vote, but please make it your goal to get every freedom-loving person you know to vote too. Take them to the polls if necessary. Email every friend you know. Remind them to vote. We need to maximize turnout tomorrow.”

Thanks very much for your help. Sincerely,

SC Club for Growth PAC

Fall 2010 Club for Growth-endorsed Candidates

Governor – Nikki Haley has consistently been the top-ranked legislator on our scorecards. Recent attacks by shadowy special interest groups show just how scared the “good ole boys” in Columbia are of her – which should demonstrate how badly we need Nikki Haley in the governor’s office. She is absolutely committed to changing the way things have been done for too long.

Education Supt. – Mick Zais has an outstanding track record and will make an excellent Superintendent of Education. This election is VERY close and your vote matters. Without a reformer like Zais in office, it will be more of the same from the Dept. of Education. Zais has promised to clean house and focus more dollars on classrooms.

Comptroller General – Richard Eckstrom has worked tirelessly to improve transparency and control outrageous spending as a key vote on the Budget and Control Board; we need him to remain in office to advance the reforms proposed by Nikki Haley, Curtis Loftis, and others.

Treasurer (unopposed) – Curtis Loftis is a very successful businessman/1st time candidate. His will give South Carolina’s “reformers” (including Haley and Eckstrom) the majority of votes on the very important Budget and Control Board.

Congress – 5th District (Pee Dee) Mick Mulvaney stands on the brink of defeating U.S. House Budget Chairman John Spratt. It’s no surprise that voters support Mulvaney’s ideas for balancing the budget and fostering job creation – he has consistently earned “A” grades from SC Club for Growth and is endorsed by the national Club for Growth. This race is REALLY close and turnout could make the difference.

Congress – 1st District (Charleston to Myrtle Beach) Tim Scott is a true public servant who earned an “A” on our scorecard and has been endorsed by the national Club for Growth. He’s a rising star in American politics.

Congress – 3rd District (Upstate – Aiken to Greenville) In the S.C. House, Jeff Duncan consistently earned “A” grades on our scorecards. With the national Club for Growth’s help he won a hard-fought primary this summer and will be a fiscal conservative stalwart in the U.S. House.

SC House of Representatives:


