
2020 New Year Resolutions


Happy New Year!

As we pack up holiday decorations and look forward to what 2020 holds, S.C. Club for Growth has put together New Year Resolutions for the state.

For too long our state government has lagged behind the rest of the Southeast in three main areas that impact our daily lives:

  1. Energy
  2. Education
  3. Taxes

It’s time for that to change. We deserve a state government that works FOR conservatives!

As legislators return to Columbia soon, we urge them to prioritize these three issues:

Energy Reform

South Carolinians are tired of an unaccountable, debt-ridden state agency masquerading as a utility company.

Legislators must put ratepayers and taxpayers FIRST as they decide Santee Cooper’s future. Higher power bills to pay off years of Santee Cooper’s mistakes, and taxpayer-funded bailouts are unacceptable “solutions.”

Our legislature has spent too many sessions dealing with Santee Cooper. It’s time to get state government OUT of the energy business! We’ve been saying this for years, 2020 must be the year this finally happens.

Education Reform

Education reform has fallen victim to the Santee Cooper “time suck” at the Statehouse. For years our legislature has said, “we’ll get to it next session.” 2020 is that next session!

All children deserve a quality education, regardless of their ZIP code. No family should be forced to send their children to a failing school, but many in South Carolina families have no other option.

Tell your legislators to cut bureaucracy, promote school choice, and allow teachers to teach. It’s time for an education system that works for ALL families.

Tax Reform

South Carolina has the highest state income taxes in the Southeast. It’s time we unleash opportunity by fixing South Carolina’s broken and antiquated tax code.

Tell your legislators to make our tax system more fair and stop picking winners and losers in the tax code.

It’s time to help the families that already face the highest state income tax rate in the Southeast.


We urge you to remain as informed as possible during the 2020 session. Visit our website, read the news, and connect with state legislators.

Reforming education, fixing our broken tax code, and getting state government out of the energy business will drive opportunity and prosperity for ALL South Carolinians in 2020.

Wishing you and your family a prosperous New Year,

SC Club for Growth
