
Coming Soon – 2009 Legislative Scorecards!


Keep an eye out this winter for SC Club for Growth’s 2009 Legislative Scorecards.  Our scorecards will again detail where South Carolina legislators stand on key issues including state government spending, accountability, and transparency.

The Club’s 2009 (and prior) scorecards will undoubtedly influence SC Club for Growth PAC’s activities in the 2010 election cycle.

SC Club for Growth PAC played a significant role in helping reform-minded challengers defeat status-quo opponents in 2008.  The Club PAC again needs your contributions to fund research and support candidates with TV ads, radio spots, and mail pieces in the key 2010 races for Governor, Treasurer, Comptroller General, and State House.

The Club PAC has NOT yet endorsed candidates in any of those races.  However, please consider contributing to our PAC as we prepare for 2010.

Matt Moore
Executive Director, SC Club for Growth